Lifting Database

Lifter - Anthony Calhoun

Birth year: 1959
State: Georgia


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 175 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012
Bench press 120 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012
Deadlift 170 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012
Total 465 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
08/09/2014 Powerlifting for Pups 1. R-M2B 125+ 137.40 25 25 25 75 42.03
01/01/2012 2012 Battle on the Border VI - R-M2A 125+ 126.40 117.5 117.5 66.81
01/01/2012 NC SC Border War - R-M2A 125+ 126.00 160.1 115.2 160.1 435.4 247.70
01/01/2012 2012 Battle on the Border VI - R-M2A 125+ 126.00 160 115 160 435 247.47
01/01/2012 2012 Battle on the Border VI - R-M2A 125+ 128.60 175 120 170 465 263.52
01/01/2012 2012 Battle on the Border VI - R-M2A 125+ 126.40 170 117.5 287.5 163.47

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 187.5 kg 2015 Military Nationals 03/14/2015
Bench press 130 kg 2015 Military Nationals 03/14/2015
Deadlift 185 kg 2015 Military Nationals 03/14/2015
Total 502.5 kg 2015 Military Nationals 03/14/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals 1. M2b 120+ 131.60 -187.5 187.5 -200 -122.5 122.5 130 167.5 172.5 185 502.5 283.61
03/14/2015 2015 Military Nationals 1. O 120+ 131.60 -187.5 187.5 -200 -122.5 122.5 130 167.5 172.5 185 502.5 283.61