Lifting Database


Mustache Fitness & Barbell



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
12/04/2022 Buff Bagel Rookie/Novice Showcase Molly Hennessy 1. R-O -100 91 105 115 125 60 65 70 142.5 152.5 162.5 357.5 317.18
12/04/2022 Buff Bagel Rookie/Novice Showcase Marc Mallare 1. R-O -82.5 79.2 140 150 157.5 80 82.5 85 162.5 175 -185 417.5 289.61
12/04/2022 Buff Bagel Rookie/Novice Showcase Shannon Kieffer 2. R-O -60 59.1 72.5 80 87.5 50 55 60 87.5 95 102.5 250 279.96
12/04/2022 Buff Bagel Rookie/Novice Showcase Samantha Nagel 1. R-O 100+ 122.1 25 27.5 30 75 85 92.5 122.5 97.83
12/04/2022 Buff Bagel Rookie/Novice Showcase Lindsey Marvin 2. R-O -75 72.8 75 85 -90 42.5 45 47.5 85 95 102.5 235 232.65
12/04/2022 Buff Bagel Rookie/Novice Showcase Ferra Pinnock 2. R-O -82.5 75.1 100 107.5 115 60 65 70 117.5 -127.5 137.5 322.5 314.00
12/04/2022 Buff Bagel Rookie/Novice Showcase Haley Anderson 1. R-O -75 72.3 135 145 152.5 60 65 -70 147.5 160 172.5 390 387.40
10/15/2022 Carolina Primetime Olivia Guidone 12. R-O -75 70.3 147.5 157.5 165 100 105 110 175 187.5 195 470 474.34
10/15/2022 Ogre Fall Classic Dana Bloomfield 1. R-O -82.5 81.3 125 135 -142.5 67.5 -72.5 -72.5 127.5 137.5 147.5 350 327.27
10/15/2022 Carolina Primetime Arielle Patra 10. R-O -52 51.9 132.5 140 142.5 75 80 85 145 157.5 165 392.5 479.38
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Katherine Mooar 1. R-O 100+ 139.2 140 150 157.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 140 152.5 162.5 422.5 328.06
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Alexandra Watt 1. R-T1 -75 73.5 45 50 57.5 40 45 47.5 75 85 95 200 196.90
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Melissa Tranquilli 1. R-M2 -56 54.7 90 97.5 102.5 60 65 67.5 105 112.5 117.5 287.5 338.51
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Anjali Malhotra 1. R-JR -67.5 67.5 112.5 120 125 45 47.5 -52.5 140 152.5 165 337.5 348.58
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Jennifer Smith 1. R-O -90 88.4 170 177.5 -185 77.5 82.5 -85 160 172.5 -185 432.5 388.78
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Alicia Bill 1. R-JR -75 73 142.5 152.5 160 70 75 80 145 155 165 405 400.20
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Jared Gackenbach 1. R-JR -90 89.6 210 220 -232.5 132.5 140 -145 225 235 -245 595 385.59
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Gregory Gyalog 1. R-JR -110 108.6 270 285 295 137.5 145 147.5 277.5 295 310 752.5 447.86
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Richard Lahens 4. R-O -100 93.2 175 185 192.5 112.5 120 125 205 220 235 552.5 351.17
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Alicia Bill 1. R-O -75 73 142.5 152.5 160 70 75 80 145 155 165 405 400.20
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Schuyler Hosp 3. R-O -100 99.4 210 222.5 232.5 127.5 132.5 -137.5 240 255 270 635 391.88
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Jordan Fuentes 1. R-O 140+ 169 235 250 262.5 147.5 152.5 -157.5 250 265 280 695 362.23
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Eli Harris 1. R-T2 -140 135.4 95 102.5 110 65 70 -75 135 140 145 325 179.81
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Pegi Miskey 1. R-M3 -90 89.5 70 -77.5 80 35 40 42.5 122.5 132.5 137.5 260 232.37
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Kagan Smith 1. R-T1 -90 87.6 122.5 132.5 140 -52.5 55 60 135 145 160 360 236.03
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Brianna Abbott 1. R-O -67.5 65.5 142.5 152.5 -160 92.5 97.5 102.5 167.5 182.5 -197.5 437.5 459.89
10/08/2022 Stay in Your Lane Thrasher Lindsay Fay 1. R-JR 100+ 118.9 200 215 222.5 77.5 82.5 87.5 180 192.5 202.5 512.5 412.34
09/10/2022 Rochester Rumble IV Michael Hennessy 1. R-O -82.5 81.4 237.5 247.5 255 152.5 157.5 162.5 245 265 272.5 690 471.17
09/10/2022 Rochester Rumble IV Austin Bauer 1. R-O -140 134.9 275 285 292.5 177.5 187.5 192.5 257.5 272.5 280 765 423.74
09/03/2022 Stars And Stripes Open Mariah Urban 2. R-O -67.5 66.4 112.5 120 127.5 60 65 -67.5 142.5 155 165 357.5 372.62
09/03/2022 Stars And Stripes Open Gregory Wunrow 1. R-O -100 96.8 265 280 295 160 167.5 172.5 265 285 -300 752.5 469.90
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Adrianna Horton 3. R-JR -75 70.5 55 62.5 -67.5 47.5 50 -52.5 72.5 82.5 92.5 205 206.57
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Reese Conners 1. R-T3 -82.5 81.2 170 180 187.5 92.5 100 105 200 215 -227.5 507.5 346.92
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Joseph strange 1. R-O -110 107.2 192.5 202.5 210 127.5 135 142.5 207.5 222.5 235 587.5 351.42
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Tawnie Bowers 2. R-JR -75 74.7 75 80 85 47.5 52.5 57.5 97.5 105 115 257.5 251.42
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Emmie Agee 1. R-JR -90 89.6 130 137.5 145 77.5 82.5 -85 140 152.5 162.5 390 348.38
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Jackson Jackson 1. R-T3 -100 99 245 260 272.5 150 155 162.5 277.5 295 -310 730 451.30
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Alyssa Clement 1. R-O -75 72.4 -135 137.5 145 65 70 75 132.5 145 155 375 372.22
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Isabella Haydt 1. R-T2 -82.5 81.3 137.5 145 150 75 80 82.5 137.5 150 157.5 390 364.56
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Thomas Mccrea 1. R-M1 -100 93.2 150 160 165 110 117.5 -125 200 215 230 512.5 325.74
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Edward Slowinski 3. R-O -110 104.6 155 -170 -170 127.5 135 -137.5 210 -222.5 -232.5 500 302.01
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Trevor Brill 2. R-JR -90 85.4 192.5 202.5 212.5 112.5 120 125 205 220 235 572.5 380.46
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Bradley Kozlow 1. R-T1 -75 73.2 150 162.5 170 107.5 115 -125 155 170 -182.5 455 331.61
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Cathryn Fontaine 1. R-M1 100+ 133 80 87.5 95 47.5 52.5 -55 110 120 125 272.5 213.27
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Cullin Moonan 2. R-JR -100 94 207.5 220 232.5 112.5 117.5 122.5 230 245 252.5 607.5 384.56
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Brian Piccolo 1. R-JR -140 134 220 240 250 175 190 202.5 260 280 -290 732.5 406.49
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Maya Wright 1. R-O -56 55.8 162.5 172.5 -180 85 87.5 -92.5 160 172.5 180 440 511.22
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Kimberly Behzadi 1. R-O 100+ 113.4 135 145 -152.5 85 90 95 -130 140 155 395 322.37
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Mia Byrd 3. R-O 100+ 138 -130 -135 135 65 70 75 130 140 150 360 279.90
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Kevin Nuesi 1. R-JR -90 90 205 220 232.5 167.5 177.5 185 230 265 -285 682.5 441.31
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Gage Fay 1. R-O -125 116.4 225 240 252.5 157.5 165 170 230 245 257.5 680 394.59
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Mack Kansco 2. R-O -110 107.2 167.5 177.5 190 -127.5 132.5 140 207.5 222.5 237.5 567.5 339.45
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Shannon Deans 2. R-O 100+ 142.5 135 145 152.5 72.5 77.5 80 122.5 132.5 140 372.5 288.33
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic Tristen Chiarmonte 1. R-O -90 83 70 77.5 82.5 45 50 52.5 100 107.5 -117.5 242.5 224.48
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Autumn Osgood 23. R-O -75 73.7 -140 145 155 80 85 87.5 165 177.5 187.5 430 422.67
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Pegi Miskey 2. R-M3 -90 88.8 -72.5 -72.5 72.5 37.5 40 -42.5 120 132.5 137.5 250 224.21
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Hillary Beard 7. R-O -100 97.3 -175 180 -190 87.5 95 97.5 200 215 -240 492.5 424.78
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Ellysia Ferry 12. R-O -90 88.7 -160 165 -172.5 67.5 -75 -75 170 182.5 -190 415 372.42
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Brianna Lanoye 14. R-O -56 55.7 145 152.5 157.5 72.5 77.5 -80 152.5 160 167.5 402.5 468.15
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Robin Shell 3. R-M2 -67.5 63.1 102.5 110 115 70 75 77.5 142.5 152.5 160 352.5 378.90
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Gina Martino Trubits 5. R-M2 -90 88.2 -105 105 115 -55 55 -58 125 135 140 310 278.83
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Brittany Suplicki 4. R-O -56 55.6 155 160 -162.5 97.5 -100 -100 165 175 -182.5 432.5 503.71
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Lynn-Marie Aronica 3. R-M2 -48 46.6 75 80 -85 50 52.5 55 102.5 110 -115 245 323.08
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Christine Woodrick 7. R-O -90 89 180 187.5 -192.5 85 90 92.5 177.5 190 -195 470 421.04
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Lindsay Fay 13. R-O 100+ 115.6 200 215 -227.5 77.5 82.5 87.5 180 195 -207.5 497.5 403.60
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Brianna Abbott 12. R-O -67.5 65.9 145 152.5 160 87.5 95 100 165 180 195 455 476.52
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Arielle Patra 0. R-O -52 51.8 130 -137.5 140 -82.5 -85 -85 145 155 -160 0 0.00
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Mackenzie Hoven 5. R-O 100+ 130.1 215 230 -242.5 85 90 95 215 225 227.5 552.5 434.44
05/21/2022 New York State Championships Kevin Drury 1. R-O 140+ 156.9 250 267.5 285 140 147.5 155 230 247.5 260 700 371.96
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Anjali Malhotra 1. R-JR -67.5 66.5 112.5 120 125 40 45 50 137.5 147.5 152.5 327.5 341.05
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Melissa Tranquilli 1. R-M2 -56 55.3 87.5 95 102.5 60 65 -67.5 100 112.5 -122.5 280 327.28
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic aneah Davison 1. R-Y2 -40 36.7 27.5 32.5 37.5 20 22.5 -25 45 52.5 60 120 178.18
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Matthew Spohr 1. R-O -125 112 255 267.5 280 185 -192.5 195 250 265 280 755 444.18
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Nolan Smith 1. R-Y2 -44 44 70 75 80 27.5 32.5 37.5 80 87.5 95 212.5 241.69
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Leah Kiblin 1. R-O -56 55.3 115 125 60 65 67.5 137.5 150 -162.5 342.5 400.33
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Ellysia Ferry 1. R-O -90 89.9 -160 170 67.5 72.5 77.5 182.5 197.5 445 397.02
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Michelle Cornwell 1. R-M2 -82.5 76.8 -87.5 92.5 100 55 60 62.5 117.5 130 -137.5 292.5 281.47
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Charles Maloney 1. R-M3 -100 95.8 145 -157.5 -157.5 87.5 92.5 95 185 200 215 455 285.48
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Zoe Kendrick 1. R-O -67.5 67.3 140 147.5 155 67.5 72.5 77.5 -162.5 175 407.5 421.60
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Lynn-Marie Aronica 1. R-M2 -48 46.8 70 75 80 45 47.5 50 100 110 -117.5 240 315.78
04/03/2022 Got 'Em Mustache Classic Austin Bauer 2. R-O -125 123.4 260 285 290 180 185 -190 250 270 -272.5 745 423.97
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Alexandra Watt 1. R-T1 -75 68 40 47.5 55 40 42.5 -45 72.5 82.5 90 187.5 192.75
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Jackson Jackson 1. R-T3 -100 98.6 237.5 255 267.5 130 137.5 145 250 265 280 692.5 428.88
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Alyssa Clement 3. R-O -75 72.9 122.5 130 137.5 60 65 70 125 137.5 150 357.5 353.66
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Tawnie Bowers 1. R-JR -75 74.9 60 67.5 75 47.5 52.5 57.5 85 95 105 237.5 231.56
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Jennifer Smith 1. R-O -100 96.8 177.5 190 -197.5 77.5 82.5 -87.5 157.5 175 -190 447.5 386.92
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Evan Lukas 2. R-M1 -110 103.2 122.5 -135 137.5 75 80 -82.5 152.5 167.5 182.5 400 242.95
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Thomas Mccrea 1. R-M1 -100 95.2 137.5 150 160 105 112.5 120 190 205 220 500 314.63
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Edward Slowinski 3. R-O -110 101.8 162.5 172.5 -180 -125 127.5 132.5 205 220 230 535 326.80
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Jon Hughes 7. R-O -100 92.2 130 142.5 152.5 80 87.5 92.5 147.5 162.5 177.5 422.5 269.94
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Hannah Wierzbowski 1. R-JR -82.5 75.2 120 130 137.5 70 75 80 122.5 132.5 142.5 360 350.26
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Richard Lahens 3. R-O -90 86.6 165 177.5 -195 110 115 120 197.5 205 220 517.5 341.35
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Tana Morehouse 1. R-O -67.5 67.3 107.5 117.5 125 60 65 -67.5 127.5 140 150 340 351.77
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Schuyler Hosp 2. R-O -100 98.8 207.5 220 227.5 120 127.5 130 240 250 257.5 615 380.54
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Alyssa Sturmer 4. R-O -75 74.9 80 87.5 92.5 45 50 55 82.5 95 107.5 255 248.63
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Bradley Kozlow 1. R-T1 -75 72.6 140 150 160 100 107.5 117.5 152.5 167.5 175 452.5 331.59
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Cathryn Fontaine 1. R-M1 100+ 138.6 72.5 80 85 45 50 52.5 105 115 122.5 260 202.03
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Justin Porter 1. R-O -75 71.2 60 67.5 75 45 -52.5 52.5 100 110 120 247.5 183.75
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Autumn Osgood 1. R-O -75 73.5 135 145 150 77.5 82.5 85 157.5 170 182.5 417.5 411.04
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Celestial Barrera 2. R-JR -60 59.8 82.5 90 97.5 45 50 55 80 90 100 252.5 280.65
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Katherine Mooar 1. R-O 100+ 138 132.5 142.5 150 90 95 -100 130 142.5 152.5 397.5 309.08
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Melissa Tranquilli 1. R-M2 -56 55.6 85 92.5 -100 60 -65 65 105 115 120 277.5 323.19
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Joseph strange 2. R-O -110 101.2 170 185 195 125 132.5 137.5 197.5 212.5 227.5 560 342.93
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Michael Hennessy 1. R-O -82.5 81.4 -230 -235 235 145 150 152.5 235 250 265 652.5 445.40
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Pegi Miskey 1. R-M3 -100 91.5 -70 -72.5 72.5 37.5 42.5 -45 117.5 130 142.5 257.5 227.97
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Kimberly Behzadi 2. R-O 100+ 116.9 130 142.5 150 82.5 85 90 132.5 142.5 152.5 392.5 317.33
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Stacie Duderwick 2. R-O -67.5 64.5 100 -110 112.5 50 55 -57.5 122.5 132.5 140 307.5 326.06
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Julee Tran 2. R-O -90 88.3 67.5 75 80 35 40 45 100 110 120 245 220.35
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Ellysia Ferry 1. R-O -90 90 -155 160 170 67.5 72.5 77.5 180 195 -207.5 442.5 394.50
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Kagan Smith 1. R-T1 -82.5 78 100 110 117.5 37.5 42.5 47.5 112.5 125 137.5 302.5 211.78
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Lynn-Marie Aronica 1. R-M2 -48 47.3 72.5 77.5 82.5 47.5 -52.5 52.5 92.5 102.5 110 245 319.58
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Blake Bizovi 3. R-O -100 99.6 177.5 190 200 125 130 -132.5 190 205 225 555 342.21
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Meagan Van Buren-Meahl 2. R-O -75 75 150 160 -167.5 72.5 77.5 -80 157.5 -170 395 384.86
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Brian Meahl 1. R-M1 -110 105.8 187.5 -202.5 -202.5 110 115 -117.5 197.5 212.5 -227.5 515 309.65
02/06/2022 Mustache Mayhem 5 Shannon Deans 3. R-O 100+ 141.1 132.5 142.5 -152.5 67.5 75 -80 120 130 137.5 355 275.12
01/15/2022 Lion's Den Classic Jeffrey Kahlmeyer 1. R-O -110 108.5 215 227.5 237.5 160 165 170 222.5 237.5 250 657.5 391.45
01/15/2022 Lion's Den Classic Seth Thomas 1. R-T3 -140 125.6 217.5 230 -240 152.5 157.5 162.5 230 245 255 647.5 366.42
12/11/2021 Battle of the Frozen Tundra Mariah Urban 1. R-O -69 67.4 112.5 120 -125 57.5 62.5 -65 135 147.5 160 342.5 71.94
12/11/2021 Battle of the Frozen Tundra Gregory Wunrow 2. R-O -93 92.5 267.5 282.5 -295 165 170 -172.5 265 280 -295 732.5 96.10
12/04/2021 1st Annual Utica's Strongest Nolan Smith 1. R-Y2 -44 43.6 67.5 72.5 77.5 27.5 32.5 37.5 77.5 85 92.5 207.5 40.40
12/04/2021 1st Annual Utica's Strongest Ryan Hare 2. R-O -93 89.8 165 177.5 187.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 167.5 177.5 482.5 64.22
12/04/2021 1st Annual Utica's Strongest Gregory Gyalog 1. R-JR -105 102.4 265 280 -290 137.5 142.5 -145 275 292.5 307.5 730 91.19
12/04/2021 1st Annual Utica's Strongest Mack Kansco 9. R-O -105 104 167.5 177.5 182.5 117.5 125 132.5 200 215 230 545 67.59
12/04/2021 1st Annual Utica's Strongest Jamie Smith 1. R-M1 120+ 137.7 -217.5 220 230 140 145 -152.5 207.5 220 232.5 607.5 66.66
12/04/2021 1st Annual Utica's Strongest Lindsay Fay 1. R-JR 84+ 115.2 195 210 -215 77.5 82.5 -87.5 175 187.5 197.5 490 84.61
12/04/2021 1st Annual Utica's Strongest Zoe Kendrick 1. R-O -69 68.4 140 147.5 152.5 67.5 72.5 -75 152.5 165 175 400 83.28
10/16/2021 Elite Season Throwdown Anjali Malhotra 3. R-JR -63 62.4 92.5 100 107.5 40 45 50 125 135 -145 292.5 64.39
10/16/2021 Elite Season Throwdown Maya Wright 1. R-O -57 56.4 157.5 162.5 170 82.5 87.5 90 160 172.5 182.5 442.5 104.63
07/31/2021 Iron Office Summer Classic Fusako Yokotobi 1. R-M4A -57 55.5 57.5 -62.5 -62.5 42.5 -45 45 97.5 102.5 -107.5 205 49.11
06/14/2021 Raw Master's Nationals Gina Martino Trubits 6. R-M2 -84 81.8 90 97.5 102.5 50 52.5 55 127.5 140 -145 297.5 277.33
06/14/2021 Raw Nationals Maya Wright 8. R-O -57 56.3 155 -162.5 -162.5 82.5 87.5 90 155 167.5 -177.5 412.5 97.69
06/14/2021 Raw Master's Nationals Pegi Miskey 3. R-M3 84+ 91.6 -77.5 77.5 -85 37.5 42.5 -45 120 130 140 260 230.02
06/14/2021 Raw Master's Nationals Sarah Gravino 7. R-M1 -57 55.6 102.5 107.5 -112.5 67.5 72.5 -75 122.5 135 -142.5 315 366.95
06/14/2021 Raw Master's Nationals Michelle Cornwell 6. R-M2 -76 74 90 -97.5 100 60 65 -67.5 122.5 132.5 -142.5 297.5 291.92
06/14/2021 Raw Nationals Christine Woodrick 8. R-O -84 84 170 175 -177.5 82.5 85 90 -180 185 190 455 85.94
06/14/2021 Raw Nationals Mackenzie Hoven 5. R-O 84+ 125.5 217.5 230 240 80 85 90 215 230 -237.5 560 95.32
06/14/2021 Raw Nationals Brittany Suplicki 1. R-O -57 56.6 -167.5 167.5 -172.5 97.5 102.5 105 175 -187.5 190 462.5 109.03
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Nik Sanfilippo 1. R-T3 -83 81.8 -185 190 200 112.5 120 122.5 210 222.5 227.5 550 545.26
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Raymond Richards 0. R-JR -105 103 207.5 217.5 -227.5 -115 -117.5 -120 207.5 222.5 -235 0 0.00
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Nolan Smith 1. R-Y1 -35 34.6 37.5 -42.5 42.5 20 -22.5 22.5 47.5 52.5 -57.5 117.5 197.19
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Ryan Osborn 1. R-JR 120+ 166.4 262.5 277.5 -292.5 165 175 -185 275 -292.5 292.5 745 511.11
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem David Still 1. R-T1 -105 94.6 120 127.5 137.5 67.5 72.5 77.5 137.5 147.5 160 375 309.90
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Michael Ovadias 1. R-JR -105 104.8 265 277.5 -285 162.5 170 -177.5 250 267.5 -282.5 715 626.92
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Michael Christensen 2. R-T1 -105 97 140 150 160 60 65 67.5 110 122.5 137.5 365 294.07
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Jeffrey Kahlmeyer 3. R-JR -105 104.2 -215 215 -225 155 162.5 -167.5 227.5 237.5 -252.5 615 529.26
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Brianna Lanoye 1. R-O -57 55.8 137.5 147.5 152.5 70 75 77.5 155 165 172.5 402.5 744.58
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Brieanna Brink 0. R-O -84 72.8 -147.5 -147.5 -147.5 0 0.00
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Zachary Klapp 1. R-O -83 80 212.5 225 -237.5 125 132.5 -137.5 237.5 -250 -250 595 606.17
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Matt Veronica 3. R-O -93 89.6 182.5 192.5 -200 115 -120 -120 195 205 -215 512.5 471.47
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Stacie Duderwick 1. R-O -72 67.6 105 110 115 -57.5 57.5 -60 132.5 140 147.5 320 535.34
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Maya Wright 1. R-JR -57 55.8 132.5 140 147.5 70 75 80 140 150 -157.5 377.5 696.52
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Rachel Hassall 2. R-O -57 56.2 97.5 105 110 67.5 72.5 77.5 127.5 137.5 150 337.5 617.35
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Pegi Miskey 1. R-M3 84+ 86 80 -87.5 87.5 30 35 40 115 125 132.5 260 396.34
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Sarah Gravino 1. R-M1 -57 56.4 100 105 110 70 72.5 -75 130 137.5 145 327.5 597.14
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Ellysia Ferry 1. R-O -84 82.6 160 170 -175 70 72.5 -75 157.5 172.5 -182.5 415 638.26
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Erik Gnann 4. R-O -105 101 220 -232.5 -232.5 120 127.5 -135 195 210 220 567.5 491.38
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Eric Benfey 1. R-O -105 102.2 212.5 225 235 130 137.5 -142.5 230 245 260 632.5 553.29
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Nathaniel Drollette 2. R-O -105 101.8 220 230 240 125 132.5 -137.5 230 240 252.5 625 547.06
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem David Mueller 2. R-M1 -105 100.4 82.5 90 97.5 72.5 80 87.5 122.5 132.5 142.5 327.5 248.83
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Shawn Lukeman 2. R-O -74 73.8 185 195 205 127.5 135 -137.5 205 217.5 -230 557.5 596.53
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Mia Byrd 1. R-JR 84+ 109.6 122.5 130 137.5 60 65 70 140 150 157.5 365 506.97
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Matthew Ferry 3. R-O 120+ 123.8 225 232.5 -240 140 -147.5 372.5 256.07
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Gregory Gyalog 1. R-JR -93 92.6 227.5 -240 -240 130 -137.5 -137.5 262.5 275 -280 632.5 588.91
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Gage Fay 1. R-JR -120 117.4 257.5 -270 -275 167.5 -175 -175 240 255 260 685 558.45
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Brian Meahl 1. R-M1 -105 103.8 167.5 180 -190 92.5 100 -105 180 192.5 205 485 400.48
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Shannon Deans 2. R-O 84+ 134.4 100 107.5 115 62.5 67.5 -72.5 -105 112.5 120 302.5 399.51
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Austin Bauer 1. R-O -120 119 242.5 255 262.5 170 175 180 247.5 -260 260 702.5 570.45
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Jackie Baldwin 1. R-M2 84+ 113.6 82.5 90 97.5 60 65 70 117.5 127.5 137.5 305 422.63
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Haley Anderson 1. R-JR -72 71 145 152.5 -160 65 67.5 72.5 145 157.5 165 390 640.18
02/09/2020 3rd Annual Mustache Mayhem Kagan Smith 1. R-Y3 -59 59 70 75 80 25 30 -32.5 92.5 100 107.5 217.5 226.09
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Luke Marean 1. R-O 120+ 131.8 247.5 260 -270 157.5 165 -172.5 250 265 275 700 536.67
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Laura Olinger 1. R-M1 -84 77.4 100 105 112.5 52.5 55 -60 120 130 -140 297.5 470.44
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Maggie Fuentes 1. R-O 84+ 105.5 150 160 170 77.5 82.5 87.5 175 190 200 457.5 638.53
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Stacie Duderwick 3. R-O -63 57.7 100 -107.5 107.5 55 -57.5 -57.5 122.5 130 140 302.5 543.33
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Jeff Spawton 2. R-O -105 104.3 252.5 265 275 162.5 170 175 -260 -265 265 715 628.73
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Rachel Hassall 1. R-O -57 56.4 102.5 110 115 72.5 77.5 82.5 140 150 -155 347.5 635.32
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Leah Braymiller 1. R-O -84 83.3 140 -147.5 147.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 162.5 170 175 395 605.67
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Jacob Polen 7. R-O -105 100.6 -197.5 -210 215 122.5 130 137.5 195 210 -220 562.5 487.53
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Pegi Miskey 1. R-M2 84+ 87 -40 -40 40 32.5 35 -37.5 107.5 112.5 115 190 290.88
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Sarah Gravino 1. R-M1 -57 56.6 95 102.5 107.5 67.5 72.5 75 125 132.5 -142.5 315 572.27
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Kelly Gibson Bateman 1. R-M2 -72 71.3 120 -127.5 -130 75 80 85 127.5 135 145 350 572.84
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Erik Gnann 6. R-O -105 102.4 205 217.5 230 127.5 -135 137.5 177.5 195 207.5 575 494.69
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Eric Benfey 1. R-O -93 93 207.5 220 -232.5 122.5 -130 132.5 230 242.5 250 602.5 555.40
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Kaitlin Drollette 2. R-O -57 56.7 107.5 112.5 -117.5 70 75 -80 127.5 135 -142.5 322.5 586.03
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Kelly Gibson Bateman 1. R-M2 -72 71.3 75 80 85 127.5 135 145 230 374.44
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Charles Maloney 1. R-M3 -93 90.8 145 155 -162.5 87.5 -95 95 200 212.5 220 470 421.46
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem David Mueller 1. R-M1 -93 93 67.5 75 82.5 72.5 77.5 82.5 100 110 122.5 287.5 220.73
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Shawn Lukeman 4. R-O -83 80.6 177.5 190 -202.5 120 127.5 132.5 190 200 215 537.5 536.53
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Michelle Cornwell 2. R-M2 -72 70.8 85 90 95 57.5 62.5 65 110 120 -130 280 458.39
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Matt Veronica 7. R-O -93 88.7 172.5 187.5 -192.5 110 117.5 -122.5 192.5 207.5 215 520 482.91
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Zachary Klapp 3. R-O -83 81.1 187.5 205 207.5 122.5 130 -137.5 -215 227.5 237.5 575 577.36
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Meagan Van Buren-Meahl 2. R-O -72 70.1 132.5 142.5 -145 62.5 67.5 72.5 140 150 157.5 372.5 614.66
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Christine Woodrick 3. R-O 84+ 97 150 160 170 75 80 -85 157.5 170 -182.5 420 606.22
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Jamie Smith 2. R-O 120+ 129.8 160 172.5 -182.5 107.5 115 -122.5 175 190 -202.5 477.5 342.28
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Gage Fay 1. R-JR -120 112.3 -222.5 222.5 240 157.5 165 167.5 230 -237.5 237.5 645 534.62
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Christine Abrams 4. R-O -63 62.5 95 -102.5 -105 52.5 57.5 62.5 107.5 115 -125 272.5 469.68
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Lindsay Fay 1. R-T3 84+ 110.6 172.5 185 197.5 60 67.5 72.5 152.5 160 -182.5 430 591.37
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Menoua Gharakhani Siraki 1. R-JR -74 71.8 -175 -180 180 -95 -100 100 -175 180 192.5 472.5 503.13
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Christopher Scherer 1. R-O -66 64 145 165 -172.5 95 -107.5 -107.5 145 155 162.5 422.5 484.17
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Nicholas Egloff 2. R-O -120 113 172.5 185 -200 115 122.5 130 195 210 227.5 542.5 434.56
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Kenneth Silvestro 1. R-T1 -53 52.3 57.5 -62.5 -65 35 40 -42.5 90 97.5 102.5 200 229.83
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Stella Flierl 1. R-O -63 62.6 122.5 -130 -132.5 65 70 -75 140 150 160 352.5 612.24
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Kagan Smith 1. R-Y -53 50.2 52.5 57.5 62.5 22.5 25 -30 70 -77.5 85 172.5 196.13
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Peter Duong 3. R-JR -83 80.8 165 175 185 85 90 -95 -165 165 -180 440 423.05
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Brianna Slomba 2. R-O -84 83.1 -152.5 -155 155 67.5 72.5 77.5 145 155 -165 387.5 594.86
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Matthew Ferry 1. R-JR 120+ 122.9 195 205 -215 127.5 135 142.5 220 230 -245 577.5 445.43
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Aleksandr Krichmar 1. R-O -74 71.9 140 -150 152.5 100 105 110 -182.5 192.5 -205 455 480.83
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem Lindsay Fay 2. R-O 84+ 110.6 172.5 185 197.5 60 67.5 72.5 152.5 160 -182.5 430 591.37
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Thomas Nolan 2. R-O -83 80.7 205 217.5 222.5 132.5 140 145 215 227.5 240 607.5 412.49
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Steven Lachina 1. R-O -74 73.4 185 192.5 -200 120 122.5 -127.5 217.5 230 240 555 401.54
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Eric Benfey 2. R-O -93 92.1 207.5 220 230 122.5 130 -137.5 232.5 252.5 260 620 391.28
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Everett Artz 4. R-O -83 82.8 182.5 -195 200 -122.5 127.5 -132.5 -205 217.5 -230 545 364.33
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Elizabeth Masarik 3. R-M1 -72 69.7 95 105 112.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 100 107.5 112.5 277.5 276.89
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Laura Olinger 4. R-O -84 77.2 92.5 100 107.5 47.5 52.5 -55 110 120 137.5 297.5 277.87
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Sarah Pinkham 1. R-O -63 60.2 55 -60 60 60 66.72
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Brianna Slomba 2. R-O 84+ 91.2 145 157.5 162.5 57.5 -62.5 62.5 145 157.5 -170 382.5 328.72
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Katilyn Artz 2. R-JR -72 70.8 102.5 110 117.5 55 60 62.5 122.5 132.5 142.5 322.5 318.34
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Crystal Lewis 1. R-JR -84 75.9 110 117.5 127.5 62.5 -67.5 67.5 120 130 140 335 316.11
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo Christine Woodrick 3. R-O 84+ 95.4 65 70 75 155 -165 -167.5 230 194.40