Lifting Database


Missouri Valley Vikings



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
10/02/2021 Missouri State Championship and Open Rilee Stewart 1. R-JR -52 51.9 95 102.5 -110 70 80 -82.5 137.5 145 -157.5 327.5 82.83
10/02/2021 Missouri State Championship and Open Sophia Bales 2. R-JR 84+ 126.6 147.5 165 182.5 65 70 77.5 157.5 177.5 -197.5 437.5 74.37
10/02/2021 Missouri State Championship and Open Joseph Markes 4. R-JR -120 115.1 192.5 210 227.5 -142.5 142.5 155 215 237.5 -257.5 620 73.41
10/02/2021 Missouri State Championship and Open T'Kyra Allen 1. R-T3 -57 56.3 -87.5 95 -105 60 62.5 -67.5 102.5 112.5 115 272.5 64.52
10/02/2021 Missouri State Championship and Open Shu'Ron Thompson 1. R-JR -47 46.2 92.5 102.5 -105 50 55 -62.5 112.5 117.5 -137.5 275 77.56
10/02/2021 Missouri State Championship and Open Kael Venerable 2. R-JR -120 117 227.5 242.5 250 142.5 152.5 -155 255 272.5 -277.5 675 79.34
10/02/2021 Missouri State Championship and Open Rianna Taylor 2. R-T3 84+ 93.5 102.5 117.5 142.5 47.5 55 -70 125 137.5 150 347.5 63.20
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Andrew Thullesen 10. R-C -105 98.4 240 252.5 145 155 -160 -272.5 285 -302.5 692.5 88.16
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Lauren Bates 10. R-C 84+ 124.2 165 -172.5 172.5 75 82.5 -85 157.5 167.5 175 430 73.30
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Joseph Markes 16. R-C -120 117.6 190 197.5 217.5 132.5 137.5 145 245 -255 -272.5 607.5 71.25
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals T'Kyra Allen 20. R-C -63 57.3 95 100 105 60 65 -72.5 102.5 110 115 285 66.59
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Sophia Bales 11. R-C 84+ 122.1 162.5 170 172.5 67.5 72.5 75 180 -190 -190 427.5 73.07
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Huber Arana 8. R-C 120+ 137.8 -245 -245 245 152.5 165 167.5 282.5 -302.5 -302.5 695 76.24
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Shu'Ron Thompson 0. R-C -47 46 95 100 -105 55 57.5 60 -130 -130 -130 0 0.00
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Andrew Thullesen 13. R-JR -105 98.4 240 252.5 145 155 -160 -272.5 285 -302.5 692.5 88.16
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Jamie Scott 18. R-C -69 66.1 95 100 -102.5 62.5 65 -67.5 -130 130 -140 295 62.65
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Brandon Sigala 0. R-C -74 73.3 -220 -220 -220 0 0.00
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Adrian Blanton 25. R-C -66 65.9 -150 -150 150 95 100 -105 182.5 192.5 -200 442.5 69.03
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Kael Venerable 15. R-C -120 117.1 220 232.5 -247.5 132.5 140 -147.5 245 255 -272.5 627.5 73.73
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Breanna Sowinski 23. R-C -57 56.3 80 82.5 30 35 42.5 87.5 100 -105 225 53.27
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Sydney Farris 13. R-C -52 49.8 95 -100 -100 42.5 -45 -45 90 95 105 242.5 63.62
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals D'Kyra Allen 14. R-C -69 67.8 110 115 120 75 80 -85 115 125 -130 325 68.00
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Jailyn Christophene 9. R-C -63 60.1 107.5 -120 -120 52.5 57.5 -60 157.5 165 -172.5 330 74.51
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Talia Hutchings 21. R-C -84 81 -125 125 -130 55 60 -65 127.5 132.5 -140 317.5 60.85
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Anna Summers 22. R-C -84 79.4 105 110 -115 65 70 -72.5 125 132.5 -137.5 312.5 60.40
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Allison Nally 0. R-C -84 82.2 -170 -170 -170 72.5 77.5 -82.5 150 -160 -160 0 0.00
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Dallas Hopping 3. R-C -59 58.2 -175 175 -180 100 105 -112.5 195 200 -212.5 480 80.01
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Reyven McDonald 8. R-C -84 81.9 152.5 -157.5 -157.5 70 72.5 152.5 162.5 -167.5 387.5 73.92
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Rilee Stewart 7. R-C -52 50.9 97.5 -105 -105 70 -75 -75 -130 130 145 312.5 80.39
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals Emily Bennett 12. R-C -57 56.1 -115 -120 120 -80 80 -85 97.5 -105 -105 297.5 70.63
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Adrian Blanton 4. R-JR -74 73.1 165 170 -177.5 105 110 112.5 187.5 -210 -210 470 493.17
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Huber Arana 1. R-O 120+ 134.8 182.5 -155 170 182.5 232.5 252.5 275 640 477.55
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Jackson Duschel 3. R-JR -66 65.4 145 155 170 67.5 72.5 80 155 172.5 190 440 498.70
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Julio Tinoco 1. R-JR -66 65.6 167.5 107.5 112.5 -115 222.5 235 -242.5 515 596.72
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Shu'Ron Thompson 1. R-T3 -47 46 87.5 92.5 100 45 47.5 50 87.5 95 105 255 508.91
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Kael Venerable 3. R-T3 -120 116.3 165 172.5 185 122.5 127.5 -132.5 205 225 240 552.5 436.51
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Ariel Nichols 2. R-T3 -57 55.4 67.5 72.5 77.5 40 42.5 45 107.5 115 -125 237.5 428.96
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Jailyn Christophene 1. R-T3 -63 60.1 95 102.5 50 55 57.5 145 160 170 330 583.25
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Talia Hutchings 2. R-T3 -84 74.5 107.5 115 120 55 60 62.5 127.5 137.5 -150 320 513.95
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Anna Summers 2. R-JR -84 80.8 112.5 117.5 125 65 70 75 115 125 135 335 520.81
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Lendie Nolting 1. R-JR 84+ 146.3 150 160 170 72.5 80 85 147.5 160 172.5 427.5 537.06
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Allison Nally 1. R-T3 -84 81.8 115 120 130 47.5 55 62.5 115 125 140 332.5 514.36
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Dallas Hopping 1. R-O -59 58.2 157.5 162.5 -170 95 100 -102.5 182.5 195 -205 457.5 576.26
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Rilee Stewart 1. R-T3 -52 51.7 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 55 60 65 105 115 125 282.5 534.25
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Logan Eden 1. R-JR -63 62.7 127.5 137.5 -150 67.5 72.5 80 125 135 145 362.5 629.85
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Sophia Bales 1. R-T3 84+ 103.9 132.5 150 155 -60 60 67.5 157.5 172.5 182.5 405 570.77
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Andrew Thullesen 1. R-JR -120 112.5 222.5 232.5 250 142.5 152.5 252.5 265 -275 667.5 555.78
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Joseph Markes 2. R-JR -120 106.4 162.5 172.5 180 122.5 130 137.5 222.5 237.5 242.5 560 468.37
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East Tori Pfeifer 1. R-JR -84 80.3 117.5 125 127.5 57.5 62.5 67.5 135 147.5 160 355 553.06