Lifting Database

Lifter - Israel Nunez-Santiago

Birth year: 1992
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 230 kg Nevada State Championships 03/09/2024
Bench press 132.5 kg Texas Open 12/09/2023
Deadlift 257.5 kg Southern Regional Championship 07/27/2024
Total 620 kg Southern Regional Championship 07/27/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/07/2024 Texas Open 3. R-O -90 89.95 210 225 -232.5 125 130 132.5 235 250 -260 607.5 392.92
07/27/2024 Southern Regional Championship 6. R-O -100 94.85 215 230 -240 125 132.5 -135 235 250 257.5 620 390.81
03/09/2024 Nevada State Championships 1. R-G -100 97.25 207.5 220 230 122.5 130 132.5 227.5 245 -255 607.5 378.56
12/09/2023 Texas Open 11. R-O -100 98.90 -212.5 225 -237.5 122.5 127.5 132.5 215 230 237.5 595 368.00
05/20/2023 P3 Grand Prix 3. R-O -100 99.10 197.5 207.5 217.5 117.5 125 -130 215 230 240 582.5 359.95
11/19/2022 Brawl in the Falls 3. R-O -100 98.90 182.5 192.5 200 110 117.5 -125 225 -237.5 -237.5 542.5 335.53
12/05/2020 Winter War of Waco 5. R-O -93 91.50 177.5 187.5 195 97.5 105 110 192.5 205 220 525 69.23
12/10/2016 Powerlifting for Pink 1. R-O -83 82.80 180 192.5 197.5 117.5 127.5 -130 225 242.5 -252.5 567.5 379.37
04/14/2016 2016 USA Powerlifting Collegiate Nationals 22. R-C -83 81.20 165 175 -180 107.5 115 120 220 232.5 -245 527.5 356.80
12/12/2015 USA Powerlifting Georgia & Southern States 7. R-JR -83 76.00 155 162.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 205 217.5 230 505 356.58
12/12/2015 USA Powerlifting Georgia & Southern States 8. R-JR -83 76.00 155 162.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 205 217.5 230 505 356.58
05/09/2015 2015 USAPL Border Bash 2. R-O -74 72.70 157.5 167.5 -175 107.5 112.5 -117.5 212.5 227.5 -232.5 507.5 369.71
05/09/2015 2015 USAPL Border Bash 2. R-JR -74 72.70 157.5 167.5 -175 107.5 112.5 -117.5 212.5 227.5 -232.5 507.5 369.71
10/25/2014 2014 GA & Southern States BP & PL Championships 3. R-JR -75 73.80 147.5 107.5 182.5 437.5 315.31
07/12/2014 2014 California State Games 2. R-JR -75 74.80 142.5 97.5 172.5 412.5 294.48
07/12/2014 2014 California State Games 3. R-JR -75 74.80 142.5 97.5 172.5 412.5 294.48